Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What started out as an innocent comment.

The following was a facebook conversation betwixt Berter and Errn, Monday, October 25, 2010.

Erin: You're weird.

Brynna: gee thanks. I'm glad you think so highly of me.

Erin: I didn't say I didn't like it.

Brynna: well... you're a creeper.

Erin: You're stupid.

Brynna: You have no shame.

Erin: Just cause i don't have a problem with walking down the hall in my underpants.

Brynna: Yeah, normal people don't do that. So i guess YOU are the weird one... That's right, i just turned the tables on YOU.

Erin: Ask anyone you know if they would be willing to walk around their own home in their underpants and any regular person would say yes. guaranteed.

Brynna: In front of the GIANT window in your upstairs hallway. while your family is still home...

Erin: 1. my family has already seen me in my underpants=no big deal.
2. there is a GIANT tree in front of the GIANT window=no big deal
3. i have actually done this before, without your knowledge of it=no big deal.

Brynna: Dearest erin, 1. that tree is NOT giant. and it doesnt go up that high. 2. people could walk up to the door and ring the doorbell and happen to glance in the window at such a moment. 3. the fact that you have already done this only proves my point that you are indeed weird. 4. am i so WRONG for not wanting people to see me wearing NOTHING!?! 5. you yourself told me you have no shame....... AKA, I win.

Erin: Underwear is definitely something. just sayin. now if we were talkin straight up NEKKID, now THATS a different story.

Brynna: Well then, at least you have SOME shame.

Erin: Well. I didn't say i wouldn't do it.
Just... probably not while anyone else was there.


Wendy said...

You are a creative genius!

Suzanne C said...

awesome! watch out for those big trees!