Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a few little dittys found on the wall-to-wall betweixt Errn and Adumb

So remember that one time, in the 70s, if memory serves me well, when you owned that little pawn shop in downtown Boston, and I came up to visit after they gave me parole, because your dog was still under house arrest, and we went out to dinner at that theme restaurant with the mermaids and pirates? But then, you swore you saw JFK in the men's room, and you wanted me to go see, but I couldn't because of that whole eye patch thing at that time, so you took a photo but had your thumb over the lens so I couldn't tell if it actually was him?

yeah, those were good times.


Your memory doesn't quite serve you correctly. It wasn't JFK, rather it was Nikita Khrushchev. It was also mighty hard trying to put my thumb over the lens instead of another digit, but I think it worked. It was Nikita's idea, really....and it was 1971 specifically. That was your second parole as I recall; I am so glad you stopped smuggling gummy bears and horchata across the Canadian-Idahoan border. You were busted so many times. ¡QuĂ© bien que te hayas arrepentido, 'mana!


Oh, but of course. How could i forget?
At least the gummy bear smuggling was a step down from the buttercream smuggling that I orchestrated in the 1937 while we were living in Montana. Those Alaskans are just so dang addicted to their buttercream. Great customers, great customers. I believe at that time you were teaching ballroom dancing to senior citizens on Thursday nights at the local YMCA, though that was just a cover up for the somewhat illegal wig shop you were running out of the back of your car.


Indeed, the best buttercream customers were always found in Alaska. I remember well the day when I shut down the wig shop of questionable legality when I discovered I was deathly allergic to purple wigs. Like-ta died, I did.


Mm. Them was hard times. Look how far we've come, thanks to brave souls like Bob Dole and Walter Cronkite who got us where we are today.

An email from the Father, October 27, 2010

Dadster said:

I swear this is true because it just happened.

I am working in St. Louis this week. Objective observation: St. Louis is a communist country, evidenced by its proclivity to offer Pepsi products in virtually every establishment where carbonated beverages are sold. Truly, I’m a stranger in an unfriendly land.

So when I get back to the hotel tonight I decide to walk over to a nearby McDonalds, where I know I’ll be able to find a Diet Coke fresh from the tap. (McDonalds does not rank very high on the scale of quality Diet Coke, but that’s a story for another day). I walk to the counter to place my order and I can’t help but notice the name tag of the young lady who happily serves me—Tunisia. Clearly, her parents excelled in geography.

Errn's response:

oh my. that is just beautiful.
countries.... that just opens up a whole nother bag of baby names i never even thought of before.
want to know what the new name of your first granddaughter by me will be?
I'm thinking, either Malaysia, Sierra Leone, or maybe Zamibia.

His response:

I like cities. For example:





Dubuque (spelled, of course, D’buque)

The list goes on.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What started out as an innocent comment.

The following was a facebook conversation betwixt Berter and Errn, Monday, October 25, 2010.

Erin: You're weird.

Brynna: gee thanks. I'm glad you think so highly of me.

Erin: I didn't say I didn't like it.

Brynna: well... you're a creeper.

Erin: You're stupid.

Brynna: You have no shame.

Erin: Just cause i don't have a problem with walking down the hall in my underpants.

Brynna: Yeah, normal people don't do that. So i guess YOU are the weird one... That's right, i just turned the tables on YOU.

Erin: Ask anyone you know if they would be willing to walk around their own home in their underpants and any regular person would say yes. guaranteed.

Brynna: In front of the GIANT window in your upstairs hallway. while your family is still home...

Erin: 1. my family has already seen me in my underpants=no big deal.
2. there is a GIANT tree in front of the GIANT window=no big deal
3. i have actually done this before, without your knowledge of it=no big deal.

Brynna: Dearest erin, 1. that tree is NOT giant. and it doesnt go up that high. 2. people could walk up to the door and ring the doorbell and happen to glance in the window at such a moment. 3. the fact that you have already done this only proves my point that you are indeed weird. 4. am i so WRONG for not wanting people to see me wearing NOTHING!?! 5. you yourself told me you have no shame....... AKA, I win.

Erin: Underwear is definitely something. just sayin. now if we were talkin straight up NEKKID, now THATS a different story.

Brynna: Well then, at least you have SOME shame.

Erin: Well. I didn't say i wouldn't do it.
Just... probably not while anyone else was there.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello. My name is Erin Paulukaitis.

Of the family of Paulukaiti.

We are a peculiar sort, you see.

For one thing, we have a last name that is eleven letters long.
Thats kind of a lot.

But we work it.

Even though I live in Utah, and the rest of my family lives in Georgia, we keep in contact throughout pretty much every day.

Because of this somewhat constant communication, we have some peculiar conversations, via text message, facebook, telephone, and of course e-mail.

I recently decided that I need to share these fabulous conversations with Alllll the internets and its people. So, here we are.

This is a no-judging zone.

Please enjoy the (somewhat, generally) good-hearted fun that is bound and guaranteed to ensue as you read.

UPDATED DAILY! Live it, love it, learn it, Holla.